Hello guys,
I have the TYPO3 CMS but it has weird behavior. For example no root node is found. Then now there is an error that throws up with the message saying there was a mistake.
Below are also other error I encountered:
error code, e.g. 1247043365
description, e.g. “Currently your TYPO3 installation seems to have no site defined, please create one by using the Manage Content module.”
Error message:
Ooops, it looks like we’ve made a mistake, something has gone wrong with this request.
An administrator would call this error:
T3.017 – TYPOscrip template is missing.
The TYPO3 Configuration shows error
I think what you want to know why you are not able to access a web application, based on TYPO3, that you think you just set up with TYPO3 CMS and throwing such exception.
The answer is flat you didn't set up TYPO2 properly and tested the installation for success.
TYPO3 CMS Installation, go to this link and try and follow the steps of installation to the point because if you even miss one dependency you will get some issue again.
If still for some reason you end up with exception, go to troubleshooting TYPO3 CMS and try to trouble shoot with defined issues, or if you have custom issue that's not listed, we'll be happy to help again.