Asked By
myrna hatch
30 points
Posted on - 07/02/2019
When I select the Analytics link in alma and click on the Dashboard, I get the following error:
Path not found (/shared/(your institution)/Reports/(your report name)/dashboard layout)
Error Details
Error Codes: U9KP7Q94
How can I fix this?
U9KP7Q94 Error In Analytics Dashboard
First, the “type” object should be properly defined. For this find the object in Analytics and check if it is saved as a Report or Dashboard by looking at the subdirectory name. Now, fix the “Type ” in Analytics Configuration Menu>Analytics Objects List.
If the above does not work, then verify whether the path that is defined in the menu matches with the path in Analytics.
Otherwise, check that the report name has no special characters like parentheses or ampersand.