My Ubuntu 12.04 has encountered an internal error. I have no idea for the error message. Is it a fatal error?
Ubuntu did not mention it clearly. If you have any idea regarding the error message please help me to fix it.
Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error.
If you notice further problem, try restarting the computer.
Send an error report to help fix this problem
Ubuntu 12.04 is experiencing an internal error: Restarting won’t work
Hello Dudley,
To resolve that issue, you will need to turn off Apport, unless you are experiencing issue that are more than just system error messages.
In order to turn off Apport, you will need to run sudo sed -i s/enabled=1/enabled=0/ /etc/default/apport. After that you shouldn’t get the error.
Ubuntu 12.04 is experiencing an internal error: Restarting won’t work
There might be a problem with some of the configuration files of ubuntu. Some files might have been malfunctioned or has been missing.
Try to restart your computer. If the problem still persists repair your operating system by ubuntu installation disk.
Turn off apports.
Apports are used to find the report bugs normally they will be switched off. but they are on ubuntu 12.04.
To do so run sudo sed -i s/enabled=1/enabled=0/ /etc/default/apport
Contact customer care for further support.
Thank you.
Ubuntu 12.04 is experiencing an internal error: Restarting won’t work
Thank you, experts, for your valuable information. Aquino Meman, you described my problem perfectly, and explained why it was occurring. I agree with your opinion. My problem didn’t go away when I restarted my computer, but when I utilized the Ubuntu installer disk, it disappeared. Now I am no longer having any difficulties. Thank you for helping me, guy.
Ubuntu 12.04 is experiencing an internal error: Restarting won’t work
Hello Dudley,
There is another Techyv thread which is addressed your problem. Go this page and get more techniques to fix this issue.
Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error