Asked By
20 points
Posted on - 08/17/2011
In Ubuntu 10.10 after opening any folder or disk drive when try to find any file by its extension name like as “*.exe” or “*.bin” etc then the system cannot find anything. So, how I can find these type of file of sub folder?
Ubuntu cannot find out exe or bin extension file
Find command is used in unix to locate the file/files on the system. To find a file we must know the syntax of the command.
Here it is
> find /path/of/the/file 'file_name.*'
For example if you want to find file 'product_list.txt' on the machine then
> find / 'product_list.txt'
But if you want to find executable files, there will be small change in the command
> find . -perm /u=x,g=x,o=x
The above command will find the executable file in the current directory, which are executable by user, by group or by others
Another way to do this is
> find . -executable
This command will work even better. It will find the executable file in the current directory
Answered By
10 points
Ubuntu cannot find out exe or bin extension file
you can use find. for example if you want to search for *.exe in /usr
find /usr -name *.exe