Asked By
Rigo Landol
0 points
Posted on - 10/21/2011
I’m using since 2 days Ubuntu, I want to know how can I install the navigator Opera? I visited the official website of Opera; I find many types of file (tar.gz, bz2…).
I downloaded all files, which one should I install and how can I install it?
Answered By
0 points
Ubuntu : i want to install opera
I'm gonna try and guide you through this, but first we need to download the right installation file.
2. After Downloading the Debian package please go to your download folder.
3. You should see the file you downloaded it's a .deb file. Go ahead and double click it.
4. The Debian Package Manager will open, there is an button to Install it, Please click Install.
5. It depends on your active session but sometimes it will ask for your Ubuntu password, Just type it in and Confirm.
6. Wait for the Installation to finish. And you're done.
Ubuntu : i want to install opera
If you want to install opera in UBUNTU then you have to follow the steps given below:
1. First get opera from this link
2. command: sudo dpkg -i opera-static_8.02-20050727.1-qt_en_i386.deb
3. command: sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/opera.desktop
4. insert the following lines into the file.
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Opera Web Browser GenericName=Web Browser Comment=Surf the Internet in a safer, faster, and easier way Exec=opera %u Terminal=false MultipleArgs=true Type=Application Icon=/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/opera.xpm Categories=Application;Network MimeType=text/html;image/gif;image/jpeg;image/png
5. Save the edited file
6. command: mkdir ~/.opera
7. command: gedit ~/.opera/filehandler.ini
8. Insert the following lines into the file.
Opera Preferences version 2.0 ; Do not edit this file while Opera is running ; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding [Settings] Default File Handler=gnome-open exec,1 Default Directory Handler=gnome-open exec,1
9. please save the edited file.
10. Open Opera with Application > Internet > Opera Web Browser
its done…
Ubuntu : i want to install opera
You can’t install opera browser like you did in the windows. Like double click on the setep.exe file then next, next, next, finish. You can install this soft by
1: command promote or
2: using Wine. I think it is easy to use wine to install windows application because it is much like install any software in the windows no needs to advance learning. If you do not have wine installed you don’t need to install it because it is given with the Ubuntu.
Go to the start button and click on Ubuntu software center” and find wine than download and install will automatic. Than go to the folder than right click on the opera setep.exe file and select “start with wine windows program emulator”.
And have fun.