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0 points
Posted on - 08/09/2011
I am using Windows XP professional version. I am unable to access task manager. There is an error message which says the task manager is disabled by the administrator. As I am the administrator of the system and I have never used these settings. But I am still unable to fix the problem.
Please provide me a solution to fix this problem as I have tried everything to enable task manager in my system.
Answered By
0 points
Unable to access Task Manager on my computer
Task manager is a kind of settings which only administrator can enables and disable. If you do not access it then try to open it from the main administrator account. If you fail to do that then there must be a virus which disables the task manager. This kind of virus affects the backup files of your system. It also disables the folder option so you can not access to hidden files too. So you have to fix it manually but before you do that scan your system completely with a good and registered Antivirus. When you complete scanning then go to :
Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc.
You will see a window of Group Policy then go to:
User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Ctrl+Alt+Del Options.
And make it enabled from this menu.
Hope this solution will be helpful for you.
Unable to access Task Manager on my computer
Hi Chrisrivera,
Now, if you are using Windows XP and cannot access task manager, we have a fix for this and an instructions to follow. Usually, doing CTRL + ALT + DEL will let you access this page. However an error message pop-up, see the screen shots on this page.
This is because of some restriction set-up on this computer. It is located in Windows System Registry. Here's the link where you can download Task Manager fix. Follow the steps and it will let you access the Task Manager.
Some freeware is available at free software download, see Wikipedia for more information.
Here's the link:
Unable to access Task Manager on my computer
The Error Reason,
This error is caused if the DisableTaskMgr restriction is enabled. if this restriction was enabled in your system without your activity or without your knowledge, then it's highly likely that a Virus has blocked the usage of Task Manager in your system by enabling the DisableTaskMgr policy via the registry.
I strongly suggest that you perform a thorough checkup of your system immediately.
Methods listed below in solution section help you unblock the Task Manager, but that does not remove the Virus (if any) from your system.
Click Start>Run and type this command exactly as given below: (Better – Copy and paste)
" REG add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f "
Click Start>Run and type Regedit.exe and Navigate to the following path:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System"
Now In the right-pane, delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
Close Regedit.exe
Using Group Policy Editor as mentioned below.
Click Start>Run>Type gpedit.msc and click OK.
Navigate to this branch:
"User Configuration > Administrative Templates >System > Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options > Remove Task Manager"
Double-click the Remove Task Manager option.
Set the policy to Not Configured.
Hoping the problem would be solved.
Unable to access Task Manager on my computer
Hi Chris,
Task manager is designed to check computer performance and where processes, networking services and users. Unable to access Task Manager is one of the common issues encountered when trying to access this page.
Doing CTRL + ALT + DEL is the common function short cut keys to press when trying to access this page but because this function is disabled by the administrator, error messages will pop-up.
See screen shots below.
Here are some tips to fix this issue;
Download Task Manager Fix v1.0
This is caused by restriction in the Windows System Registry, virus and or Trojan infections. It disabled the function which also disabled the Task Manager by the administrator.