Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 09/05/2011
What is this I am very confused about this. When I activate movie magic screenwriter 6 in Mac Operating System, then I receive this error.
But my system internet is working properly then why this error appears when I open any program then this error appear again and again.
Tell me anyone its solution.

Unable to complete internet activation
The internet activation server returned an error (-50).
Press OK to manually activate your software.
Unable to complete internet activation
First for all check your connection. If you are using cable connection then check carefully. Is it working properly or not? Plug your cable connector perfectly with your pc. Then try to connect the internet.
If you are using modem and GSM then create a dial up connection properly. Select your country perfectly and use prefect dial up number to connect internet.
May be you need an IP address to access the internet. If you don’t know that then collect it from your ISP company. Then use this IP address to connect.
If you do not installed TCP/IP protocol then install it. It is necessary if you are connecting through router.
Unable to complete internet activation
I think the solution is very simple you just need to update your Movie Magic Screen Writer so you can download the update for your version and then you will find that you have fixed this error so you can download the update from this link so you can install it and face any errors or such your error above
Download Link1
and in this link you will find instructions to install your update
Hope this Solution Helps You