Asked By
Kayla Diaz
10 points
Posted on - 02/21/2012
Due to firewall barriers and securities, we have servers which cannot get into the mail server.
However, it can connect to the Lotus Notes Server.
Can a command line be used to fix this problem?
How can we connect and send SMTP mail using Notes Mail 5.1xthrough normal Notes protocols port 1352?
Unable to connect to mail server
Hi there! Please read though this and see where you left out. Prerequisites are: Lotus Notes Command Line Email Client, you can get this from this link
Lotus Notes E-mail Client Lotus Notes (ID File) Java Runtime Environment > Free Java Download
JavaMail API > Downloads java mail
JavaBeans Activation Framework > Oracle Technology Network Java
Then try this Step by step installation process:
1. Install Java Runtime Environment JRE (e.g. C:Program FilesJavaj2re1.4.2_06)
2. Install Lotus Notes Email client (Lotus Notes 6.5.4)
3. Unzip Lotus Notes Command Line Email Client (c:CLI)
4. Unzip Javamail and copy the mail.jar to C:CLIlib
5. Unzip JavaBeans Activation Framework and copy activation.jar to C:CLIlib
6. Run Install.bat Use SMTP for sending mail (yes/no) (no)? no Do you want to use Domino IIOP (no)? no Domino server address (SERVER/COMPANY/COUNTRY)? PH-MAIL-02/SERVERS/HSBC Notes ID password: MyPassWord Save mail (yes/no) (no)? no Encrypt mail (yes/no) (no)? yes Sign mail (yes/no) (no)? yes Add the JREbin to the %PATH% environment variable. set PATH=%PATH%;C:Program FilesLotusNotes;C:Program FilesJavaj2re1.4.2_06bin;C:CLI; , 7.Configure your Lotus Notes Email Client (Notes.Ini) Directory=C:LotusNotesData Location=Office (Network),9DA,CN=Gil A VIRTUCIO/OU=AMC/OU=HDPP/O=HSBC MailFile=MailAp116896.nsf MailServer=CN=PH-MAIL-02/OU=SERVERS/O=HSBC then try sending an e-mail. c:CLIclinotes -m -to "Gil A Virtucio/AMC/HDPP/HSBC" -s "This is the Subject" -b "this will be the Body of my email"
Hope this helped.