Unable to create the graphics device error

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


While playing the StarDrive game it crashed and this error message appeared and my screen went black. Is for the first time when I have this error and I don’t have this all the time. Can anyone help me to fix this error ? Why I have this error from once in a while ?

Thanks !

Whoops! Please contact the developers with the following information:

Unable to create the graphics device. bei Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.CreateDevice(GraphicsDevicelnformation newlnfo)


Answered By points N/A #184862

Unable to create the graphics device error


This is a serious trouble with your device. Because this type of error might happen when your graphics driver is broken or corrupted somehow.

Download the latest graphics driver for your PC. There are several graphics device by different developers and they all have got different drivers.

1. nVidia

2. AMD Radeon HD

3. Intel HD Graphics

Your problem should have solved now.

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