Asked By
5 points
Posted on - 02/12/2012
Hi all!
I have been trying to degrade my BlackBerry PlayBook from 2.0, but it is not working.
When trying to download my OS before, I got an error.
BlackBerry Desktop Software
BIackBerry Desktop Software cannot communicate with the connected device.
If the device is rebooting or has a dead battery. click Retry to ettempt to reconnect once the device reboots.
If clicking Retry doesnt connect the device, or the device isn’t rebooting with a charged battery. you might need to update your BlackBerry® Tablet OS to correct the problem.
Troubleshoot your device connection
Retry Update… Close
I tried to click the Retry button, but it didn’t work. The window below pops up.
Load BlackBerry® Tablet OS
Review the following options before you begin.
Yes, email me when updates are available.
*Enter email address:
Install Close
How can I continue with degrading without these errors?
Unable to degrade BlackBerry PlayBook OS
Click update instead of retry. Â If in your next try the dialog box disappears/will not show, do the following
remove your Blackberry Playbook from your computer
once removed turn it off (ensure that your BlackBerry Playbook has enough battery life (at least 20%)Â
open your BlackBerry Desktop Software
connect your BlackBerry Playbook back to your computer (using USB cable). Â
make sure that you are connected to the internet
Once you see the error dialog (similar to the screenshot you showed above) and you have clicked on update, a window will appear; you can input your email address or un-tick the subscription option. Click next if you have to.
If you are using Mac, click on Repair, or if other personal computers you click on Install. After you have clicked on either repair/install, your BlackBerry PlayBook should now already been restored.
Once successfully restored, the BlackBerry PlayBook Setup Wizard will appear so you can set up the tablet again.
Hope this helps!