Asked By
henry stew
40 points
Posted on - 07/04/2011
I'm trying to delete a CD image file (.img) from my desktop when I try to put it in the recycle bin I get the message "The action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program Close the file and try again".any help?
Unable to delete CD image file: The file is in use
Here are some explanations.
You shall close all opened files and programs and then delete the file or folder again. If the error message reappears, restart the computer and try again the delete. The reason why the folder or file cannot be deleted is that another program is using it or the folder contains any opened file.
You cannot delete any file or folder if that file or folder is opened or used in any program currently. If you want to delete that file, you have to find the file and any program using that file, close both the file and the program. Then try again to delete it. If another person are logged on, you should be aware that the file is being used by the other.
You cannot delete any file or folder if you do not own proper right or if you do not create them, even the file or folder is placed in Public folder. You have to ask the owner to delete it.
Thank you very much. Hope this could helps.
Unable to delete CD image file: The file is in use
Windows still processing the file but you intentionally stop the process and want to delete it, since windows memory added that queue command, now that file is still being accessed by windows, to completely delete the file you have to use unlocker which is a free utility can be downloaded just search it on any search engine. Install that utility and right click on your .img file and select unlock to unlock all process that is accessing the file then delete it.