Unable to download templates or clipart on Mac

Hi Everyone,
I am facing an issue with downloading online templates or Clip Art on to a Mac machine running OS X 10.8.5 and Print Master 2012 Platinum. I checked the internet connection on this machine and verified that I am connected to internet and do not have issues with the connection speed. I am able browse the web and I could download a PDF. But when it comes to clip arts and templates, I get this error. No matter from which ever site I try, or how often I try, I always get this error. What should I do? I do not have administrator access on this machine and couldn’t check if it was a firewall that is causing the issue. Or does the issue itself have some connection with having standard user access? I have absolutely no idea why this keeps happening. Please help me to find a solution for this issue. Did anyone else face a similar problem? Any help to resolve this problem will be greatly appreciated.

PrintMaster 2011 Platinum <3.0.70> encountered the following error:
Unable to download the ! Forest Clip Art file from the Internet
Most of the PrintMaster 2011 Platinum content is initially stored online and needs to be downloaded the first tie it is used. Please make sure you are connected to the internet and try again.
If the situation persists, please visit the technical support website at
http://www.printmasterpacks.com/ support