Unable to find the source code that describes the form in FoxPro

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I recently installed Visual FoxPro 9 and attempt to create a table and then a form with the FoxPro Form designer. However, I am facing issues on finding the source code that identifies the form. It supposed to have a group of constructors for the entire controls, forms and classes. And also, if I add the methods, it supposed to have some functions in my file. The designer should have some CODE tabs but clicking on them, an empty white window will appear and no more.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #196358

Unable to find the source code that describes the form in FoxPro


You can find the source code in the events or in the methods that you made for the form. There is a full set of OOP options and events for the controls, labels, box or line wherein you can be able to type any code you want to work in the objects. There is also a help file or the CHM containing samples on the Task Pane. You can find it on the toolbar buttons on the right or launch it from the Command Box with the command: DO (_taskpane). Try looking at the Solution Samples with the TreeView Control. It has lots of working samples and source codes.

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