Error on importing .vsd file using Mapping Visio Architect

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

I have created a .vsd file using mapping Visio architect and then publish its template. After that, I have tried to import it into repository/folder, but its throwing  below error.I have even applied service pack 4 but the problem persist. Please suggest.
Error at (file C:InformaticaPowerCenter8.6.1clientMappingTemplatetest1.xml, line 3, char 52 ): Unknown element 'Graph'.
Error at (file C:InformaticaPowerCenter8.6.1clientMappingTemplatetest1.xml, line 3, char 52 ): Attribute 'Name' is not declared for element 'Graph'.
Error at (file C:InformaticaPowerCenter8.6.1clientMappingTemplatetest1.xml, line 3, char 52 ): Attribute 'Description' is not declared for element 'Graph'.
Error at (file C:InformaticaPowerCenter8.6.1clientMappingTemplatetest1.xml, line 3, char 52 ): Attribute 'UItype' is not declared for element 'Graph'.
Error at (file C:InformaticaPowerCenter8.6.1clientMappingTemplatetest1.xml, line 3, char 52 ): Attribute 'DlgSize' is not declared for element 'Graph'.

Error encountered while Parsing file.



Answered By 590495 points N/A #130816

Error on importing .vsd file using Mapping Visio Architect


I have a helpful WordPress file for you, this is created in a .pdf file. It has listed content data of information powercenter. You can read and explore the data inside it and understand what the content is all about. This is an article about this feature, where it gives you detailed information about a certain error and problem. It has wide variety of error code and a solutions, step by step on how to fix certain error code.

The error you are getting is caused by incompatibility of the software. All system requirements must be check first and make sure your computer meets all them before you start the installation. It is advisable to check the full instructions of the software and guidelines on how to do the installation. In the error message you've got, you might miss some certain steps and the components you have caused the miss match.

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