Unable to install Flash Player 10 with Wine

I am using Sudo and I cannot enter a password, I am receiving error telling me that the Wine is not mine. How can I install Adobe Flash with Wine as my root? Please help me. Thanks.

I am using Sudo and I cannot enter a password, I am receiving error telling me that the Wine is not mine. How can I install Adobe Flash with Wine as my root? Please help me. Thanks.
First you have to log in as administrator that means as a root user. May be you need a password for this occasion. If you gave it before then it will ask you for password. If you forgot it then see the hints and try to remember the password.
If this is not working then you have to repair your Linux version for remove password. Or you can change your Linux version to UNIX so that you can log in your OS as root user without password. Then repair or reinstall your Wine. Now install flash player 10.
You only can install as root when you are a root user. If your flash player 10 is unable to install then try other version of flash player.
When using sudo, are you able to access the dialog box that allows you to enter the password to that when you enter the password is denied, or you are not able to access the sudo password dialog box at all? Because if you cannot access the dialog box then the application could be corrupt and you will need to reinstall it again.
To install adobe flash player from the root, you will need to download the commands that you will enter in the command line so as to install adobe flash player. From the site you downloaded the flash player setup, you should be able to get the commands, then follow them to install the application.
You can also check the adobe flash player documentation and see if the commands are there.
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