Unable to install .NET Framework Beta 1 on Windows Vista RC2

Hello. I am trying to install Visual Studio Orcas Beta 1 on my Windows Vista RC2 (Release Candidate 2) but failed to do it successfully. The installation failed during the .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 1 step. It showed error messages on the log file that says:
[01/08/12,15:25:23] Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5: GenericComponent Action: CreateProcess launched with cmd line : C:UsersantonAppDataLocalTemp20404.001033wcudotnetframeworkdotnetfx35setup.exe /q /norestart /lang:ENU
[01/08/12,15:29:30] Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5: C:UsersAaronAppDataLocalTemp20404.001033wcudotnetframeworkdotnetfx35setup.exe exited with return value 1
[01/08/12,15:29:30] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID NET Framework v3.5, 0x1
[01/08/12,15:29:30] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty
[01/08/12,15:29:30] Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Error code 1 for this component means "Incorrect function."
What do I need to fix this? Please help me resolve this.