Unable to install the new Epson Stylus DX9400F printer

Hi, I
’m a mac user. I recently bought an iMac. I have installed several wireless devices to it very easily, but I’m unable to install the new Epson Stylus DX9400F printer even after trying several times.
As the initial stage, I have connected the printer to Mac via USB cable, and installed the required drivers, but still the printer is not being recognized.
I’m getting a screen with choices like
–     Showing blank under default menu
–     Bluetooth option can be seen under fax
–     In the IP menu I have to decide whether I’m using Internet printing protocol or Line printer Dameon . Even though I entered the IP address of Mac I couldn’t find my printer from the menu.
–     The windows is empty
–     There is nothing under the more option
Can anybody please help me? I’m stuck.