Unable to load SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office – HELP!

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Hello everyone,

I have a huge problem.

When I click on a Microsoft Office program on my computer, I get this error message in a dialog box:

Yes, my computer has both the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office and the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office. Does that mean anything? What is the cause of this error? Should I just stop using the add-ins or the software itself?

As I start to logon to the ESX server in MS Office with the SAS Add-in 4.3, the given error message comes out:

Error Connecting. VMware Infrastructure Client could not establish a connection with server "esx007.silkeborg.local".

Details: You do not have permissions to login to the server: "esx007.silkeborg.local".

What permissions am I missing? Why can't they establish a connection? I need your assistance. Please help. Thanks!


SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office          
Unable to load the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. This may be due to the incorrect version of the .NET Framework being loaded. This can occur when there is a config file that instructs the Microsoft Office application to use a specific version of the framework.

Answered By 0 points N/A #94155

Unable to load SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office – HELP!


Hi, SAS have provided an answer for this error. I will answer your questions briefly.

Does that mean anything? What is the cause of this error?

Yes, this means something. The cause of this error is that both SAS Add-In 4.2 and SAS Add-in 4.3 for Microsoft Office will both attempt to load when you open a Microsoft Office program.

Should I just stop using the add-ins or the software itself?

No, not necessarily. Download this Hot Fix below or you can follow the workarounds to resolve this issue so that the error message does not appear.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update

This hot fix is a security gap in the Active Template Library (ATL) on a patched version of the Visual C run-time components.


Remove the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office

To avoid conflict, you can remove SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office. You can do this before or after you install the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office.

Clear the SAS Check Box in the COM Add-Ins Dialog Box

Use the COM Add-Ins dialog box to clear the SAS check box:

Here is a step-by-step procedures on how to clear the SAS check box in the COM Add-Ins dialog in Microsoft Word. You can also use other MS Office program.

In Word 2003:
Select Tools â–º Customize.
Click the Commands tab.
Under Categories, select Tools.
Under Commands, locate and drag COM Add-ins to the menu bar.
Close the Tools dialog box.
Select COM Add-ins on the menu bar.
In the COM Add-Ins dialog box that appears, clear the SAS check box, and then click OK.

In Word 2007:
Click the Microsoft Office button.
Click Excel Options.
In the left-hand panel, select Add-Ins.
In the Manage drop-down menu, select COM Add-ins, and then click Go.
In the COM Add-Ins dialog box that appears, clear the SAS check box, and then click OK.

In Word 2010:
Select File â–º Options.
Select Add-Ins.
In the Manage drop-down menu, select COM Add-ins, and then click Go.
In the COM Add-Ins dialog box that appears, clear the SAS check box, and then click OK.

Run the Switcher Utility

The Switcher Utility will switch the SAS Add-In 4.2 to SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office. To run the Switcher Utility, you will need administrative privileges. It will affect other accounts that might use the computer that has SAS Add-In installed in Microsoft Office. After gaining administrative privileges, follow the steps below to run Switcher Utility.
Close all Office programs.
Run SwitcherUtility.exe by navigating to C:Program FilesSASAdd-InForMicrosoftOffice4.3.
To switch between the releases of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office:If the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office is selected, then select the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office. Click OK.
If the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office is selected, then select the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office. Click OK.

Run SwitcherUtility.exe again and select the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office that you want active.
Click OK.
Open an Office program, and the error message does not appear.

What permissions am I missing? Why can't they establish a connection?

You can't establish a connection because you are not a member of the administrative group. You need administrative privileges to access the server.

Note: If vCenter Server is connected to your Active Directory domain, by default the Domain Admin's group is a member of the Local Administrators group.

Try this troubleshooting if you can't log in to the server:
Log in to the vCenter Server. Restart VMware VirtualCenter Server Service. Try to log in again.

To restart a vCenter Server service:
Log in as an administrator to the server that is running vCenter Server.
Click Start > Run.
Type services.msc
Press Enter.
From the list of services right-click on the service you wish to restart. For example, VMware VirtualCenter Server.
Click Restart and wait for the service to complete restarting.

Note: When restarting VMware Virtualcenter Server Service, all connected users will be disconnected from their Virtual/vSpere Infastructure Client sessions.
Log in to vCenter Server as another user to check if the problem is with the user that has been added. If it is, then you need to add the appropriate permission to the user. To do this, select an object from the inventory. Click the Permissions tab. Right-click and select Add Permission to add permissions to the user.

If none of these steps resolve your problem, you might have a misconfigured or corrupted database that is preventing any users to log in. When you troubleshoot a corrupt database, you must perform a reinstallation of VirtualCenter into fresh database.

Note: If you noticed a corruption in your database, you can contact your database vendor to further fix the issue.

I hope this resolves your problem. Have a nice day !

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