Unable to open Apps because it is in the Trash

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Experts!

I am having problems on opening a file in MacPaint X through the Open With… Option. I usually get the error "You can't open the application MacPaint X because it is in the Trash. To open this application, move it from the Trash." Opening the file from the App menu works just fine. How can I fix this? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

Answered By 0 points N/A #118126

Unable to open Apps because it is in the Trash


Hi Dorothy.

The problem you are currently having is common. If you have previously deleted the application or duplicated it in anyway this error pops up. As you have already stated the application works if you open it from the App menu. This indicates that you probably have an issue with duplication.

The correct way to fix this issue is as follows:

1. Open Application.

2. Open Utilities.

3. Open Terminal.

4. From Terminal copy and paste the information from the link below. 


You could also just open the Terminal from the Search Bar on your Mac. 

Your Terminal Window should look similar to the images below. You may have a black or white Terminal Screen depending on your current Mac operating system. 


Blank Terminal

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