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Posted on - 12/09/2011
My client is having issues opening a voicemail attachment on her inbox. She is receiving error: Cannot load objects because it is not available on this machine. I uninstalled and re-installed back Outlook for few times now and run the repair but none works so far. Can anyone help me please? Thanks for the time.
Unable to open voicemail attachment in Outlook
Hi there
Having problem with outlook voice mail. This mostly happen when you are about to upgrading software to latest or early versions. Maybe some of the component aren’t available. Try the following steps to resolve this problem. Uninstall your outlook and after you did uninstall go to C:/Program Files/Common File/ Microsoft office/Outlook/.. at the folder outlook delete all the component there. And install again the outlook.
The component that was installed in your outlook folder in C:/Program File/Common File/Microsoft office/Outlook/. may not the same, that’s way it shows an error. so I recommend a reinstallation.
Hope this will help you
Matt Tiger.
Unable to open voicemail attachment in Outlook
Following things can be done so that your voice mail starts working.
First of all make sure that the user has admin rights on that computer. Go to control panel and add user as administrator.
Clear you temporary internet files so that there would be some space available for email attachments, you need to clear outlook temporary files folder not windows temp folder.
Go to following registry location and set its value to 0
Just restart your computer and now you can preview, or save your voice mail.
After every 99 mail attachment you need to perform step 2 again.