Unable to place music files in bars stored in Magix directory

Hello experts,
For a couple of months, I have been using Magix music maker, but it is the first ever problem I am not able to find a reply. So, please help me to solve it.
The trouble is as given below:
When I open Magix music maker and try to apply the filemanager to find the way to my .wav files stored in the Magix directory with all other sound files and music files, all are just fine, but when I want to place them in bars to run them, then this error message appears:
"The file format of <File name and dir> cannot be read by MAGIX Music Maker. Please ensure that the affected drive is not full or write protected.
(Program files(x86) Folder, Disk Not full, Nothing write protected not even my documents area for the save files, why bother with WRITE protection when you can't READ the file is strange enough in my eyes as it is).
If you do not have read or write access to this path, please contact the administrator (me:S).
The odd things, which are the biggest hints that I have to fix this trouble up to now are these.
1: There are no write/read troubles with any files of the similar type in same processes.
2: All the wav files are able to play by MAGIX Music Maker without any trouble.
3: And the wav files are utilizable by the Song Maker attribute of MAGIX Music Maker with show up in the bars as well as they are also playable, but when I try to insert one the file manager, the same error happens again!!!
That pretty much keeps out the file itself from being the trouble or MAGIX may be unable to read it. I am not sure as to why this is happening.Â
I am running Windows 7.
I need to solve it. Please help me.
Thanks a lot.