Unable to play the game Ensk Map because of too many CTDs

Hi all,
I have been playing a game Ensk map on my PC for quite a number of days now, but yesterday, suddenly while playing the game, too many CTDs started coming on the screen that it was not possible for me to play it. Gradually, the CTD started extending to other maps and ultimately, it covered the whole game. First, it was difficult to play the game, but now, I can't even give it a start. At that moment, I could not think of any other option than to scan my system. So, I scanned it, but no virus was detected.
The second option I thought of was to re-install my game. I tried to do it likewise, but an error appeared on my screen:
"7 zip CRC error"
I could understand a little that something was corrupted. I decided to install the game again.
Till now, I have downloaded this game 15 times through various sources, but I keep on getting the same error over and over again.
I can't find a solution to this problem. I have a very high end system and I have also been playing another game on its maximum settings. If anyone has this game installed, please host it up on the server, so that I too can download it.
I am really depressed because I was playing this game for a long time now and had gone very far.
Please help me, if you can.
Looking forward to your messages.