Unable to start the scratch file while using Photoshop

Hello experts,
When I try to use Photoshop, I could not start the scratch file because I see an error message that the disk is not there.
What should I do now? Please help me.
Thanks a lot.

Hello experts,
When I try to use Photoshop, I could not start the scratch file because I see an error message that the disk is not there.
What should I do now? Please help me.
Thanks a lot.
It is a common problem when permissions are messed up.
Some settings and preferences seem not to be compatible which is why you cannot run Adobe Photoshop.
I suggest you a simple fix.
Press to open Photoshop while you hold down (Ctrl + Alt + Shift for Windows), (for Mac: Command, Option, Shift), while your program is getting started. Then a dialog box should appear asking you whether you wish to delete the Adobe Photoshop settings file. Click “Yes” and Adobe Photoshop should get back to work.
Tell me if this method worked for you.
I will give you two solutions which will help with you this problem:
1. You try to reset scratch disk preferences by clicking options – command key (wait while it launch passes) and – click Respective hard drives as scratch disk
2. A permission error will appear when the scratch file or volume, not with preferences, reset the preferences to force Photoshop in to resetting the scratch references
When your disk permissions issue will remain reinstalling of Photoshop also will not help . you have to reinstall the OS after erasing the drive.
Try this two solutions
That problem also happens to me when I sometimes change the primary scratch disk and select a different drive. After restarting Photoshop, it becomes unusable because of the scratch disk error. The only remedy is to reset or delete the preferences file. Once it is deleted, Photoshop will automatically recreate it using default settings.
If by any chance you changed some of its settings, just change it back once the file is recreated. To reset the preferences file, press and hold CTRL + ALT + SHIFT and then launch Photoshop. When you are prompted with “Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?” just click “Yes” to continue. That should fix the problem. Another way is to delete the file manually.
Open Windows Explorer then navigate to “C:Documents and Settings[username]Application DataAdobePhotoshop[version][version] Settings” for Windows XP. For Windows 7, navigate to “C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop [version]Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings”. Look for the file called “Adobe Photoshop [version] Prefs.psp” then delete it. After that start Photoshop. After this that file you deleted will be recreated automatically using default settings when Photoshop loads.