Unable To Access Web Page- What Is HTTP 500 Error- Solution

Hi, I’m new to word press even though I constructed a website initially it worked fine but recently getting an error HTTP 500. Please tell me what is HTTP 500 Error? Thanks in advance.

Hi, I’m new to word press even though I constructed a website initially it worked fine but recently getting an error HTTP 500. Please tell me what is HTTP 500 Error? Thanks in advance.
Hi, the specific cause is not suitable then internal server error 500 displays on your web browser. Many causes are Misconfiguration of .htaccess, PHP memory limit, Incompatible or corrupted plugins. So check your “.htaccess_bk” under public_html folder. Note: it is a hidden file so enable “show hidden files” in system settings.
If your PHP version is above 5.3, then remove the line “register_globals” in your .htaccess_bk file. If you activate any new plugin, then remove it and reload your website. When you were unaware of the last plugin installed disable one by one and reload website. To utilize PHP memory in huge amount add a line of code “memory_limit=64M” to your php.ini file.
If it caused by corrupted files then re-upload your flash version such as wp-admin, wp-include Folders (exclude wp-content folder).