Unable to Update or Uninstall Revit Server 2012

I am unable to update or uninstall Revit Server 2012 when using another account. This account is not the one I used when installing Revit 2012. What is the solution for this?

I am unable to update or uninstall Revit Server 2012 when using another account. This account is not the one I used when installing Revit 2012. What is the solution for this?
I found the solution on your problem there are two ways to uninstall the program one is  Still having the account that you have install with Revit Server 2012 if you have this you can uninstall the program but if not Open Revit server host and log in using another account and then you have to install Revit server 2012 (to overwrite the past configuration) after the installation you may now go to update the program or uninstall the program. (Don’t forget accounts that you used in programs they are very important if you want you can write them in a sticky note or on your cellphone or a sheet of paper)
Like when installing any other programs, when you install or uninstall Autodesk Revit Server 2012, it requires an administrator account or a user account with administrative privileges. That’s why when you uninstall it, it doesn’t allow you to do so because you don’t have administrative rights to perform it. Other user accounts with no administrative rights can only use programs but cannot install or uninstall programs.
If you want to uninstall Autodesk Revit Server 2012, use the administrator account. Updating a program is basically the same when installing something. When you are updating a program, you are installing the update and applying the changes to the system. If you want to update Revit Server 2012, download and install Autodesk Revit Server 2012 Update Release 1. See if this fixes the problem.