Unable to upgrade to the new OMS

I have EM and I want to do a 2 system update to 12.1.
Currently, the OMS is on AIX 6.1 with the new one being installed on RHEL 6.2. After plugins being staged with agents on the source OMS and backing up my catalog,
I can't upgrade to the new OMS because of the following error message:

According to the Pre-upgrade Console, everything is able to be upgraded. I then used the command ./runInstaller -pluginLocation /u02/orastage/em12c-agents/ to update the OMS agent. The agents and plugins were then copied to /u02/orastage/em12c-agents.
I have searched the help files and various forums around the internet, but no use. Any ideas as to what I can do?
I need your advice on this issue.
Thank you.