Unable to upload file through secure client version 5.1

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -


I am using below a specified command, through a batch file. The command and its options have no issues, as per the usage guide of secure client but on running the batch file, I am getting an error, "site not found" (see below image). The issue is somewhere at my server end, since others are able to perform the file upload activity in the same manner.

"G:Program FilesAxwaySecureClientstclient.cmd" httpsu:/username:password@hostname:443/ G:RecfilesLACTestUpTEST_*.zip /prefNoAskSched /quitWhenDone /progress /Remote-Site RCTSENDTST

Appreciate if someone can suggest any network setting change, or any other setting on my server.

Thanks in advance!!!

Answered By 15 points N/A #129301

Unable to upload file through secure client version 5.1


This is a quite strange issue.  If you suspect the issue with the file server, then check Event Viewer, to determine and figure out the exact issue, which helps you to take necessary action.

If it is an issue with the website you are trying to upload a data into it, there may be a known issue i. e.  There is something wrong with the account.

  1. If you receive a "Directory Listing Denied" message, your account is working correctly, but you need to upload your home page and name it "index.htm".
  2. if the issue persists, you should call your vendor for support.

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