Unable to use mouse and keyboard after turning off the Monitor
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Beverly Tan 0 points N/APosted on - 08/08/2011
I’m having a problem with my computer. There are instances that when I turn off the monitor for a while and then powering it on again I couldn’t use the mouse and keyboard. Both hang after turning off the monitor. Unplugging the chord and inserting it again won’t do any help. Restarting the computer is the only solution that I know to make it work again. What could possibly be the reason for this? This only happens when I turn off the monitor. Thanks.
Unable to use mouse and keyboard after turning off the Monitor
Hi good day… your keyboard and mouse have no problem. Please check and scan your windows system for viruses… because this is the causes of keyboard and mouse error and also your computer always hang-up. Download CCleaner software to fix the registry of the system. Then there is another option to fix this issue restart your computer then press F8 and run Safe Mode.
If this issue will not resolve consult that into Computer technician in your place to fix the issue, because the problem was in your system hardware.
Unable to use mouse and keyboard after turning off the Monitor
Don't worry this is not your Keyboard or mouse problem. Because it happens when turn off your monitor only. It may cause for Virus attacks or may your 'Drive' or disk space is not enough. Check your drive first and make enough space to recover it and must be scanned whole system. It is better that you will not change your setting on Keyboard and mouse. just keep it up. If it does not work then another solution you can plug out display CPU and open the CPU processing and RAM. After washing the RAM you can plug in all cable and RAM as it is before.
Unable to use mouse and keyboard after turning off the Monitor
I don’t think the problem is with the monitor because the monitor is a totally different hardware which is not part of the CPU. The freezing of the mouse and keyboard has nothing to do with the monitor getting turned off. These two devices froze because your system went idle.
By default, the operating system or Microsoft Windows is set to turn off the monitor and the hard drive after several minutes of being idle. Even if the Power Options is in default settings, the hard drive should go back online after you resume using the computer. But if this doesn’t happen after you go back to your computer, the result will be the same.
Some of your devices will stop responding just like what happened to your keyboard and mouse. To fix the problem, disable these options in the Power Options. Click “Start”, “Control Panel” then set the view to “Small icons” to display all items. Next, click “Power Options” then on the left pane click either “Choose when to turn off the display” or “Change when the computer sleeps”.
Click an option on the left pane
On the next screen, click “Change advanced power settings”. In “Power Options” dialog, expand “Hard disk”. Click “Setting” then set it to zero (0). This changes the setting for the hard disk to “Never” forcing the operating system to not turn off the hard disk when the system goes idle.
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