Unable to view imported video on Windows Live Movie Maker

I can’t view the video that I imported in my Windows Live Movie Maker.
What should I need to do to fix this error?

I can’t view the video that I imported in my Windows Live Movie Maker.
What should I need to do to fix this error?
This can be happened due to several reasons. I do not know what is the exact situation of your movie maker file. But I will explain several things. I guess you are opening a file which is used before.
When you save it you were having the video you need but now it is not. If it is the question then the thing happened is you may be deleted or moved the particular video from the location which you use to open it with windows movie maker at the previous time.
Now the software cannot find the video there and cannot display.Â
There are two possible causes why do your Windows Live Movie Maker does not read the media file that you imported.
First, it can be possible that the video that you are attempting to work is not supported by Windows Live Movie Maker. One solution for these is to convert the said type of file to a format which is applicable to the program, probably most of the video format used in Windows Live Movie Maker is .avi. You can convert media files using several softwares such as Total Video Converter and Leawo Video Converter.
Second; it is also possible that it's because of the CODECS. This is the one who decides whether or not a media file are recognized properly by Windows Live Movie Maker. The solution for this is to have the right installation of the codecs. You can surf on the internet for its updates. Take note: Windows Live Movie Maker does not have any automatic updates in resolving the lack of codecs, it depends on the user.