Unable to view presentations in ILS with multiple users connected

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


I am using Windows XP, and I know that it has a very good built-in ILS in it. I also have already developed a training content using Powerpoint. NetMeeting is already opened and my participants are already connected to the ILS. The problem is that during the digital web conferences. One of my users could not see the presentation. I did a run through though before starting. I have found out that when she is the sole person connected through the ILS, she could view the presentation, but if there are others already present with her, it’s like the presentation is being blocked from her. What could I possibly advice her to do? 

Best Answer by Guthrieg hyde
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #136296

Unable to view presentations in ILS with multiple users connected



Hi Ashley,

           There are some possible solutions for your problem. First, check your Internet Connection. If it fast enough to serve a number of users, then the problem would be on the internet connection of user you are referring to. And since she could view your presentation when she is alone, the problem could be on the Internet connection speed. Second, ask her if she was able to share its desktop to the co-users, if not, then there could be a problem in viewing your presentation simultaneously with the others. Just double check this sharing setting, disconnect and redial. Lastly, it could a firewall setting that blocks the incoming connections from the other co-users.

Answered By 0 points N/A #136297

Unable to view presentations in ILS with multiple users connected


The possible reason:
You may be sharing your presentation with more than 3 persons.NetMeeting only allow 3 people per conference. The maximum successful number of participants in conference is depend on the network bandwidth and speed of participant's computer. So you should say her to increase her network band width and speed of computer
or move to another computer with great speed and bandwidth.

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