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Posted on - 12/12/2011
I don’t have an idea what is causing the issue in our emails. We are using Exchange 2003 server with Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 that is already configured. The issue is if we receive an email from a company that sends logo as their signature, the receiver gets an Outlook authentication box if the said email will be opened. In Outlook 2007, the forwarded attachment won’t show and has a red x to where the logo appears. Can you please help me figure out what is the probable cause of this problem?
Unable to View Signature Logo in Outlook 2007
Same issue got me perplexed for a lot of time, and eventually with the help of Microsoft and one of our administrators I was able to address the same.
Basically there are two things you have to perform, apart from the obvious (I mean configure out look to receive HTML messages instead of plain text only).
First you have to change the security settings, to allow downloading of pictures from the internet. To do these go to:
Tools- Options- Security
Click Change “Automatic Download Settings…” and uncheck “"Don't download pictures or other content automatically in HTML e-mail"
Now the second step is editing the registry, for this first back up your registry, and then clicks on start and run:
Write REGEDIT, and press enter
Now navigate to the following key:
Locate a sub key called: "OutlookSecureTempFolder” and delete it.
Now open outlook, your problem should be resolved now.