Unfolding The Secrets To The Best Way To Backup Server

I want to save my server from the sudden crash. What would be the best way to backup server other than putting it on the cloud?

I want to save my server from the sudden crash. What would be the best way to backup server other than putting it on the cloud?
Clients who experience difficulty believing the cloud ought to consider utilizing capacity tape or outer hard plate drives (HDDs). Their versatility implies that they are anything but difficult to move to an off-site area where you don't should be worried about prying eyes. A sneakernet framework can be specially appointed, (for example, bringing a tape cartridge home each night) or more formal, (for example, organizing to have the reinforcement media couriered to a sheltered store box at regular intervals).
The sneakernet methodology additionally works with conventional information reinforcement programming. Tape drives have a tendency to be immediate appended stockpiling (DAS) gadgets, so organizations that work more than one server may need to introduce extra programming and arrange their system accurately to go down information from different machines