Hello experts,
When I want to visualize the project that I’ve worked at this error appears when I try to open it with Chrome and Opera. The Internet Explore is working just fine and I can visualize it without a problem. The problem is that Internet Explorer is full with lag and errors. Can anyone help me please to open the projects with Chrome or Opera ?
Thank you !
Microsoft Visual Studio
Unhandled exception at line 42, column 1 in http://localhost:25516/WebForm1.aspx
0x800a1391 – JavaScrupt runtime error: “jQuery” is undefined
Break when this exception type is thrown
Open Exception Settings
Break Continue Ignore
Unhandled exception at line 42, column 1
Yes, that’s true. Not only on your project that Windows Internet Explorer throws different errors, even on other websites and I think it is already normal. I don’t know what’s with Windows Internet Explorer why it shows different errors when opening a website but when opening the same website on another browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome there is no error on the page.
If your project shows that error when opening it on Google Chrome and Opera browser, you should check the parts in error. Google Chrome, Opera, and Windows Internet Explorer are different browsers and they work differently though they interpret a webpage the same. Check the first line in the error message which indicates a problem in line 42 of the web form.
It seems like that line belongs to the form for users to enter information. Check that line because forms are accepted on all web browsers. Also, I think that line calls for a particular JavaScript function. You should also check that function for a certain “jQuery”.