Asked By
ave broers
70 points
Posted on - 06/05/2012
I recently bought Uniblue Registry Booster software and installed it successfully into my PC drive. However, am not quite familiar on its purpose and how to use it either. Can you please give a clue of what Uniblue Registry Booster does in a PC?
Attention 306 registry errors found System related errors 117 User related errors 189 Third party related errors 0 Total registry errors found 306
Unibleu Registry Booster 30 Registry Errors
This application that you recently installed on your computer is used to clean your Windows registry and then optimizes it for faster access and improves the performance of your computer.
I can compare Uniblue RegistryBooster with PC Tools Performance Toolkit. The only difference is that the latter has more options in it that can be used and the first is more focused on the Windows registry aspect.
I also used Uniblue RegistryBooster before in my search for means of improving my computer’s performance. This is actually a good tool for optimizing the Windows registry but I got tired of using it because of its limited use.
It doesn’t do any other stuff besides cleaning and optimizing the Windows registry. Luckily I was able to find PC Tools Performance Toolkit that has more usability compared to Uniblue RegistryBooster.
If you want to download the latest version of Uniblue RegistryBooster, visit Uniblue│We improve PCs. Uniblue RegistryBooster 2012 is already available.
If you also want to try using PC Tools Performance Toolkit, you can download the latest version from pctools by Symantec.