Unit data missing or invalid

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am fairly new to building maps and tried opening a map downloaded from the Battle Net to get some ideas of how it's put together. It gives me an error message "Unable to load file Battle for Warcraft 111"Unit data missing or invalid. You can see the complete error message in the below

Attached image. Does somebody know how to resolve this? Need assistance

Unable to load file ‘C:/Warcraft IIIMapsTCRPTrue Chaos RPG v0.)(cprotected.w3x


Unable to load file ‘C:/Warcraft IIIMapsTCRPTrue Chaos RPG v0.)(cprotected.w3x’

Unit data missing or invalid

Best Answer by Cyril L Edmonds
Answered By 30 points N/A #176065

Unit data missing or invalid


Hi there Timothy H Davis,

I am afraid you will need to look for some other maps to practice your map building. The one you've downloaded are protected and there is not much you can do about to gain access to the triggers or units.

Protecting maps mean damaging them so the other users can play them, but cannot modify them or see the source. Players do that to protect their work sometimes.

If you are looking for maps that you can use in the editor you will need to look for maps without "protected" in their names or descriptions.

Best regards,
Drake Vivian

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #176066

Unit data missing or invalid


Hi Timothy H Davis,

Well I used to be making my own Wc3 maps. Actually I have one huge map which I haven't finished. Yes you can try out to search other maps in order to learn but it's going to be hard. You have to understand the basics. So how I learned was that I found this excellent (if not the best website) for wc3 Modding.

Check out their forums here: THE HELPER NET.

Also they have a number of tutorials for world editor which are great.

World Editor Tutorials.

As I've told you learning from other maps especially if they are JASS written is going to be super hard. On the helper forums there is a bunch of open source spells and maps people are made in order for you to use them. You can download and learn them.

Hope I helped you,


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