I have installed the Moodle version 2.2 and open meetings plugin. I just created an activity in Moodle so that I may join a room directly in open meeting. The problem started when I tried to access this open meeting activity in Moodle and an error message displayed on screen. Can I get any resolution to fix this issue? I would be grateful to you for any assistance. Thanks in advance.
Unknown Error. Please report this to the administrator.
Unknown Error in Moodle 2 2
The problem was caused by JDK, so you can downgrade JDK version to 1.6, and everything will work.
Or you can visit, there you'll have the necessary information about Open Meetings, the integration with Moodle is really easy.
I was testing Open meetings 1.9.1 with Moodle 2.2 and I had no problem with the connection.
Unknown Error in Moodle 2 2
Hi Matthew E Davis,
You might want to check the version of Moodle you are currently using and if it works perfectly with your the operating system currently running on your computer. The problem may be in either. Here's what you can do to fix this:
1. Download and install the latest version of your operating system.
2. Back up your files and install the latest available updates of Moodle.
3. Restart your computer and run Moodle.
Hope this works.
Murakami Wyatt