Unknown error when trying to ‘safe as’ ANY Illustrator file

Hi friends,
Since yesterday, when trying to 'safe as' ANY Illustrator file (old or just newly created file with nothing in it, with or without text, with or without pasted JPG images), I get the message "an unknown error has occurred".
When completely closing the file – don't safe changes before closing – I get the message "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error(CANF)"
I have Illustrator CS2 and work on Windows XP. I have 17Gig available.
I have tried some of the suggestions in the topic – "Can't save in Illustrator CS2" like unchecking 'enable version cue', changing the PDF print set-up.
Does the (CANF) indicate any specific problem?
Hadn't seen this in any of the other topics yet.
Please help!