Unknown has generated errors on Windows Vista

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am trying to work on one of my C++ language program on my Windows Vista machine. I see that the program compiles without any problems.  But I noticed that I keep getting runtime errors, for each and every simple code also.

Unknown has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created.

I restarted the program several times but still the runtime error keeps coming back.

Can anyone help me with this error message?

Answered By 0 points N/A #96859

Unknown has generated errors on Windows Vista


Dear Charles,   

It is basically a problem of your software, C++. I mean to say that, this type of problem arises when there are some  corrupted files.

So the solution for your problem is that, you can change your that software. No doubt your error tells you to start again but unfortunately as you told, that same problem comes again and again. You can only solve that problem by installing that whole software again & it will surely work and help you to solve your problem.

There is also another way but its not sure to work but it may work.  Scan all files of your software, using a good Antivirus ; then if there are any detected viruses, then you can delete those viruses and run the program and see if that program gives an error again.

If no any error then your problem is solved, otherwise first one solution definitely will work. Also scan the new software at timely intervals as well, for any viruses .


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