I have been using D-Link 168 for a year now but recently it has been giving me connection problems. My Internet disconnects very often and sometimes it's taking a long to reconnect or not at all in a day. What can I do to overcome this issue?
Unstable connection with D-Link 168
Hello Dear,
First of all tell me
What ISP service you are using Cable or Digital subscriber line (DSL).
What ISP modem you are using standalone or built in router.
What ISP makes the company and model you are using.
If you are using built in router then it is very best to bridge the modem. Connection problems can occur due to same routers on a line.
Some time problem occurred due to same IP assignment by router to D-link camera and NAS so Check your MAC address and IP address.
There is a forum post which has very good information about this problem. Check this post.
Hope this will help you