Unwanted Files Removal To Optimize Performance And Save Disk Space

How to remove unwanted files in my computer system to save disk space and to optimize performance speed?

How to remove unwanted files in my computer system to save disk space and to optimize performance speed?
You should use various types of utilities tools software for increase your PC performance by remove unwanted and unused shortcuts, files, Trojan virus etc. I recommend you to choose a software from bellows list :
You may easily download these software from internet by searching in Google. This software can clean, optimize and boost the speed of your PC. It can delete history, temporary files, index.dat. Cookies, Auto complete form history, log files etc.
There have an option in Tune up Utilities for get back deleted file by use “Tune up Undelete” feature.
If you are using Windows as your operating system, there can be a few ways to save disk space and optimize your computer performance.
A. “Disk Cleanup” : You can find it by just using the search button. Once open, choose the drive that you w ant to clean and a dialog box will appear. Choose which files you want to delete and click ‘ok’. Upon execution, it will delete temporary files, deletes system files that the system does not need, and empties your recycle bin.
B. “Disk Defragmenter” : Fragmentation destroys the good performance of a computer system. Defragmenter rearranges fragmented data so your disks and drives can work more efficiently. The program arranges the split data that is stored on your disks to make it work with efficiency. Follow the steps to carry out defragmentation
1. Find the “Disk Defragmenter” in the search button.
2. Under “Current Status”, check and select what drive you would like to fix and then click “Analyze Disk”.
3. You will be prompted with the percentage of defragmentation of your chosen disk. If it shows a level above 10%, you should click “Defragment disk”. Otherwise, you can close the program.
C. If the above solutions are not enough, you can try other system tools for cleaning and optimization that can be found on Control PanelSystem and Security .
Thanks AnaMarieRobles! I used Disk Cleanup to delete unwanted files and programs. Now my computer is working faster. Thanks to you.
Many thanks TechyV!