Update Avast Anti-Virus without internet connection

I would like to update my Avast anti-virus without internet connection would it be possible? Is there any way to protect my computer from virus without installing anti-virus? Thanks

I would like to update my Avast anti-virus without internet connection would it be possible? Is there any way to protect my computer from virus without installing anti-virus? Thanks
There is no way to update Avast antivirus without connection ! There are ways but it is illegal. Only way to update Avast is with internet connection. You ask for way to protect your computer without installing antivirus ? Yes there is way. Simply Windows Xp or Windows 7 has integrated protection. You can turn on updates and firewall protection. You can run your PC like admin and that will help with net protection too. You can also downalod Ad-Aware or  Spy-Bot nds bit of software.Or you can download tham both.I think protecting your PC with these kind of programs is good. Antivirus protections are good but they have a lot of bugs.. So most antivirus programs are unusuable for same cases
Hope i helped to you
Yes, you can update your Avast antivirus without internet connection. You just need to transfer the updated antivirus file downloaded by someone you know. Â Â External storage devices like USB stick, external hard drive and CD/DVD can be used for transferring the update. Â But, remember that Automatic update via internet is the most suitable way because anti-virus updates are usually released each day to protect your computer from new viruses.
There are many ways that can protect your computer when you have not installed any antivirus software. Â You can safe your computer by taking some basic precautious attempts and being security aware.
1. You should use the emailproviderssuch as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmailas they scan attachments for viruses and malware for you while to sending and receiving file attachments via email.
2. Try to limit the amount of software you download and useyour judgment in deciding to install software and to visit a web site and to open an email.
3.  Make sure that windows’ provision for automatically downloading and installing security updates and fixes are turned on and these are working
4. You should use more secure web browsersuch as Chrome or Firefox.
5.  Try to download directly from the software’s main website.
6. Stay away from porn sites.
7. Consider to install a quality hardware firewall between your internet connection and the rest of your network and ensure that rest incoming ports are blocked
8. Run as a non-admin user most of the time. Log in as an administrator only  when necessary to change system configuration or install trusted software.
The most importantly, it does not matter if you have anti-virus software. Try to maintain safe browsing habit.
Hi  Simon ClarkÂ
Check out this Techyv article. From here you will get huge information regarding on your issue.
Yes, it is possible to update the antivirus offline by simply downloading the virus signature database. You can only do this if you don’t have a regular internet connection so you can update the virus protection of your computer.
This is not recommended if you have a regular internet connection or your computer is always connected to the internet because the Avast antivirus checks and downloads updates regularly every four hours. To download the offline virus definitions for Avast antivirus, go to Avast Download Updates. Here, download the update specific to your version.
Don’t download an update for a different version because the installation or the update will fail. You will just be wasting bandwidth if you’re on a limited monthly volume. The update for versions 19 and up alone is already 178 MB when you download the file.