Updater software bb offline still running

Software updater is still running while shutting down updater software for bb offline.
Why this problem occurs in this software?

Software updater is still running while shutting down updater software for bb offline.
Why this problem occurs in this software?
While your system is off but your updating doesn’t stop, it means you are facing some problem with your updating system.
You can try to plug and unplug to solve the updating problem.
Plug in and plug out can restore the power and the whole system can arrange the lost power.
Hope it will help you.
I think this is the same in Android devices just like with my sister’s Samsung Galaxy mini. Since it’s her first time to have an Android Smartphone she is still not familiar with some of its functions as well as its behavior.
And since it is also my first time to handle an Android Smartphone that time I’m still not used to using it especially most of its menus since it’s a touchscreen device and so sensitive. I noticed its odd behavior when I installed Android games in it. There are times when closing a game after playing I still see it running in the background via the task manager.
I think this is the same with what’s happening with your Smartphone and I think this is normal. If you think it is still running, try closing it manually from the task manager. I think the program is still waiting for a process to finish that’s why it is still running. This is the same with the computer.
There are times closing an application takes time because it is still waiting for a request to be terminated. What you can do is to wait for it to finish. But if the software updater program already consumes time and is still running, simply turn off your handset and then turn it on again.
Greetings friends! This was the biggest problem I have ever suffered in the history of my computing life.
Now I am free from the problem and having a nice time. It would not be possible for me if Sharath Reddy had not helped me. Yes, his comment helped me the most.
He nicely explained how to stop Software Updating service without much difficulty. I think it is the best idea I have found on the web. It was quite easy to remove the process from the task manager.
I am grateful to you Sharath for saving me from great danger.
My recommendation is along side these solutions also pay a visit this Techyv post to get more helpful information to resolve this issue. Software updater for bb offline