“Upeksvr.exe” Process In Windows OS Harmful
Is the file “upeksvr.exe” that appears as a process in Windows Task Manager under the process pane, harmful and what is its location?
Is the file “upeksvr.exe” that appears as a process in Windows Task Manager under the process pane, harmful and what is its location?
“upeksvr.exe” is a process initiated by the host application UPEK Fingerprint Software present in the Windows Vista Operating System that used fingerprint chip for login. Since it used a decent space in the RAM, it might cause a little glitch in your system if you don’t have sufficient runtime memory with you. Although that doesn’t mean that it is harmful or contains some kind of malware. This process can be easily stopped from the Windows Task Manager.
Press “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” to open the Task Manager.
The binary executable is located in the C:\Program FIles\ThinkVantage Directory.
You can easily browse the file here.