Upgrading form one release top another

Without reinstalling my Gentoo, can I upgrade it form one release to another?
How do I go about doing this?

Without reinstalling my Gentoo, can I upgrade it form one release to another?
How do I go about doing this?
Hi there,
The great thing about Gentoo is there is virtually no difference between the various releases after they have been installer. Gentoo 1.4 and later versions are glibc-2.3.x bases which makes tasks as running emerge – syng&&emerge-uDN will update your entire Gentoo disto to the latest version. The subtle differences lie in the in the installation medium and the pre compiled packages.
Oh and also note that the emerge-uDN command updates the packages that have been installed as well as its dependencies but not the build time dependencies. To update those as well, you need to add the – with-bdeps=y option.