Usage of Function in C programming

What can be the use of Function on C programming to enhance the output and procedure of the program?

What can be the use of Function on C programming to enhance the output and procedure of the program?
C is a basic for any programming language developed by Dennis ritchie in 1972 and all languages are developed by using C as basic language.
Coming to the function It is a self contained block with set of statements that perform some task of some different kind and each and every C program is collection of these functions.
Functions are used mainly as it avoids rewriting the same code again and again and also the section of the code is nothing but a function in reference to C Programming.
We can pass the values between functions by using the methods overloading and overriding and in short we can say the functions as calling and called in C.
main() is the heart of the program in which function is read from this method and execution even starts from this main() only and if is denoted as public then it is available to all the members of the program.
Thank you.
Hi there ,
I think you need help regarding functions in C programming .
Yes of course functions enhances no only the output and procedure it also adds better readability to your program.
Added functions can increase readability and also makes it looks that your program is catogorized into various sections.
The disadvantages is that the program becomes more complex and hard too access.
But it is good for a long term basis. If your Program's one section has a error you need to fully change its codes or confusion may occur if it is not divided into functions but in case of the functions its simple . only the respective functions need to be changed and not the whole.
Very informative comment Garcia. Now got the idea. Im so glad you have answered my question here in Techvy. THANKS MUCH!