USB Mouse and Keyboard not functioning

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

 Hi everyone, I'm in an office environment where I have many of the same workstations/ desktops / keyboard, and mice.  Everyone is on W7 x64. I had to re-image one of the workstations yesterday and I can't get the mouse or keyboard to install.  In fact, nothing USB wise will install. It's really strange and seems so basic, but I don't have a solution. Please help so I can get this user back on his workstation!


Hardware and Devices

Troubleshooting is complete

We detected some problems with your system and were able to successfully apply the fixes. However, our verification shows that the problem still exists. Click Next for other options you can try to troubleshoot the problem.

Issues found

USB Optical Mouse doesn't have a driver

USB Multimedia Keyboard doesn't have a driver

Hardware changes might not have been detected



Best Answer by Carrie Stewart
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #127134

USB Mouse and Keyboard not functioning



As you've mentioned, your computers are running on Windows 7 x64. I can see a possibility of USB driver incompatibility.

Based on the screenshots you've provided, the system cannot locate or identify the driver of the hardware, which is the reason why these peripherals are not working.

First and foremost, check if the USB driver was properly installed. I recommend that you uninstall and re-install the driver.

Before doing so, get the details of your USB (based on manufacturer's specs) and search for a compatible driver (x64) to use. It is very important that you use a Windows 7 (x64) compatible driver.

Re-install and try to reconnect your mouse and keyboard.

I do hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #127135

USB Mouse and Keyboard not functioning


Dear Raymond U,

First I would like to like to tell you that with Windows 7 (x64) the drivers have some known issues particularly relevant to USB. In most of the cases when using 64 bit operating system and using some how some old vendor or unknown brand mouse Keyboard have to face these issues. 

Initially you try to figure out what brand of mouse and keyboard you have. Write it down some where and check out your drivers for USB ports installed on your system.

Uninstall these drivers and reinstall compatible drivers from this web site. 

Here all the drivers for 64 bit operating system available and free of cost. Hope this will sort your problem out.

Another possibility if the previous solution doesn’t work please check your USB port connections with your system Motherboard.

Thank you.

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