Use Alphanumeric Data on MS-Excel
I need help on using MS Excel.
I want to use alphanumeric data wherein I can arrange and add the numbers by just doing a drag and click only.
How can I do it?
I need assistance please.
Thank you.
I need help on using MS Excel.
I want to use alphanumeric data wherein I can arrange and add the numbers by just doing a drag and click only.
How can I do it?
I need assistance please.
Thank you.
Hello Luke,
It is easy to do that, but the data you are using should be having some king of pattern so as to allow the click and drag method to work.
For instance if you have a column in excel which is storing dates and you want to increment the dates going down the column, then you can place the current date in one cell of the column, and then point the cursor to the bottom right corner of the cell.
You should see a plus sign come up, which you will drag it all the way down to the last cell in the column that you wish for the date to appear. That way you will have saved yourself a lot of time and energy that you will have used to enter the date in each cell of the column.
You can do the above to data that does not change, like a name of a city that will the same in all the cells of the columns.
Mahesh Babu
It is easy to use alphanumeric data in Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010.
Your data series may be like this:
Class – 1, Class – 2, Class – 3 and so on.
Type the alphanumeric data in the cell where you want (Fig – 1).
Fig – 1
Move the mouse pointer at the bottom-right corner of the selected cell and you will see your mouse pointer changes to a plus (+) sign (Fig – 2).
Fig – 2
Then click and drag the mouse pointer downward ( Fig – 3).
Fig – 3
You can do this in up, down, left or right direction to the selected cell. You can use this method in Jan, Feb, March…….., Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed……… And so on.
For 1, 2, 3, 4,…………….. You will have to Press Ctrl Key from the keyboard and then click and drag the left mouse button.