Use Of Network Toner And Probe Kit And Its Briefs.

Hello, what is the use of network toner and probe kit and where exactly is it used in the surrounding. Thank you for solving the same.

Hello, what is the use of network toner and probe kit and where exactly is it used in the surrounding. Thank you for solving the same.
Hey, the network toner and probe kit is used as a analyzer and a troubleshooting digital circuit mainly deals with the Boolean 0 or 1. Also it consists of batteries and they are used as either TTL or can be used as CMOS in the circuit device. It is used for different threshold like the logic-high and logic- lows respectively. It is very cheap and easy to use devices but is used only to test a single device at a time. Below shows the uses in different industries:
• It is used in various schools and colleges for the students
• Used in MNC for their works
• Used by day-to-day labors for their works
• Every electrician uses the same device