Useful software or web application for marketing

Hi guys,
Can you name useful tools, software, web application or web services that can be use for marketing campaign to promote website or advertise products? Thanks.

Hi guys,
Can you name useful tools, software, web application or web services that can be use for marketing campaign to promote website or advertise products? Thanks.
Hi Natalie,
It is hard to promote your website and products especially if you are just starting a business over the internet. Nevertheless, the best thing about the internet is; you can endorse your products by paying an ad to the popular websites. If you do not have enough capital for that, try to write and post some interesting blogs to a blogging site; post your products (i.e. beauty products) by uploading images in social networks like facebook, twitter, youtube and so forth. Â Try to inform your audience in a nice way, tell them on how they are going to reach you. You just need to be patient, be friendly, resourceful, focused and well dedicated to your work. Â Try to log on to, it is a e-commerce software that will surely help you.Sign up and make business with other industrialists.
I hope this helps.