Not too long ago I've discovered a number of user's mailboxes capacities decrease less than 250MB allocation we set up. As an alternative, the user's mailboxes volumes have got decreased to either 65MB or even 25MB and those volumes appear to be all over the board(currently for about 10+ users).We determined this issue because of the consistency of number of warning messages these users have been obtaining improved considerably(as anticipated)and also whenever looking at the mailbox capacity identified the reduction. With regards to I know, no person has gone in a reset individual's allocation.
User’s mailboxes capacities decreased drastically
Hi James
The user mailbox capacities have gone down, the same has been identified, when there were number of warning coming up. The issue here could be because of temporary files stored on the mailbox, remaining unused. Also there is a chance that some of the configuration files/data might be corrupted.
Please find below the steps, which can help you
Please Logon with your account having administrative privileges.
Go to START and then click on RUN
Type regedit to get the Registry Editor, opened.
Click on + button to explore and Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftOffice11.0Outlook
Open the "Edit" Menu from the top Click on New Key
Enter "PST" and press Enter to provide a new value
Again Go to Edit and select the new value created
Label the new value "MaxFileSize"
Enter the size of the mailbox that you feel is sufficient to handle your configuration.
Another option which can be handy is to Remove the deleted files/folders from your Deleted Items
Empty your Deleted Items folder manually or
Go to Tools –> Option –> Others on MS Outlook and then click on the check box which says “Empty the Deleted Items folder upon exiting”
Hope this would help you.